Manuals and Books
EMNCH Manual (part of our Strengthening Emergency Care programme - SEC)
Emergency Maternal, Neonatal & Child Healthcare Manual. Available in English and Spanish.

If you would like to purchase this manual please contact the office on +44 (0)1445 781354 or Book of Obstetric, Neonatal and Paediatric Emergencies including Major Trauma (part of our Strengthening Emergency Care programme - SEC)
Pocket Book of Obstetric, Neonatal and Paediatric Emergencies including Major Trauma
(part of our Strengthening Emergency Care programme - SEC)
In collaboration with the Government of the Gambia and WHO the Gambia. Available in English and Spanish.

Pocket Book of Obstetric, Neonatal and Paediatric Emergencies including Major Trauma (PDF, 6 MB). Last updated October 2013.
Manual de bolsillo de emergencias en obstetricia, pediatría y neonatología incluyendo trauma mayor (PDF, 4.5MB). Last updated May 2010.
Pictorial Manual for traditional birth attendants
(part of our Strengthening Emergency Care programme - SEC)
Pictorial manual for traditional birth attendants (PDF, 4.47MB)
Pictorial Manual for village health workers
(part of our Strengthening Emergency Care programme - SEC)
Pictorial manual for village health workers (PDF, 4.28MB)
The Maternal and Child Friendly Healthcare Initiative (MCFHI)
A manual for health workers based on a medical ethics approach to healthcare
PDF download (PDF 3.6MB)
International Child Health Care - A Practical Manual for Hospitals Worldwide
Southall D, Coulter B, Ronald C, Parkes S, Nicholson S. Published by British Medical Journal Books November 2001. (BOOK).
This manual contains information, guidelines and suggestions about health care in virtually every situation and setting imaginable - peace and war, emergency and chronic, hospital and clinic. The advice is up to date and authoritative. It aims to be realistic, but at the same time does not compromise on standards. The authors believe that the health care professions around the world should be satisfied only with the best care for children.
International Child Health Care manual - (4.19MB) November 2002
Read the BMJ review of this book
How to order this book
MCAI'S Manual on Child Protection for health workers to use in poorly resourced countries
This manual addresses the recognition and diagnosis of child physical and sexual abuse. It provides an evidence-based assessment suitable for doctors and other senior health workers caring for children of all ages presenting with symptoms or signs that might be due to abuse. If you would like a copy of the manual, please email the following address and include in the email evidence of your professional qualifications and your postal address so that we can send it to you as a hard copy:
Pocket Emergency Paediatric Care
Pocket Emergency Paediatric Care - A Practical Guide to the Diagnosis and Management of Paediatric Emergencies in hospitals and other healthcare facilities worldwide.
Southall D and Ahmad S. British Medical Journal Books. 2003. (BOOK).
Refugee health: an approach to emergency situations
Ronald C, Southall D.
BMJ. 1999:318;200A. (BOOK REVIEW)
Read the BMJ review of this book
Parent held child health record & advice booklet
Created by MCAI with UNICEF in 1998 for use in the refugee and IDP (internally displaced person) camps in Bosnia during the 1990s conflict.
Parent held child health record & advice booklet (PDF, 331 KB)
To read more about this please see McMaster P, McMaster H, Southall D P., 'Personal child health record & advice booklet programme in Tuzla, Bosnia Herzegovnia', Royal Society of Medicine. 1996:89:202-204