International Child Protection Work
For many years, MCAI has been developing systems that can be used in poorly resourced countries to aid the attempts of Government to improve the protection of children from abuse, neglect and exploitation. The links below provide more details of this work.

This work includes education sessions in collaboration with our partner ALSG (Advanced Life Support Group), involving skill and scenario based teaching on the recognition of serious physical and sexual abuse. We also address ways in which the different professions involved can work in a coordinated way, within the legal framework of the country, to enable the most effective system of child protection. Details of these courses can be accessed here and the relevant manual on recognition is available on request. (The contents of this manual are regarded as too sensitive to place on our website).
In addition, we have recently been asked by the Pakistan Pediatric Association and Pakistan Child Rights Movement if we could prepare a paper on the institutional care of children in that country. Attached below is a generic version of our report. MCAI is happy to do everything possible to help any country wishing to progress work in this difficult area.