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News - 2015

New training starts at CH Rennie Hospital for 3 Obstetric Clinician trainees
November 2015

WHO $100,000 grant to extend task shifting programme in Liberia
To train a further 8 senior midwives in advanced obstetrics including surgery such as Caesarean section
September 2015

Friends of Chitambo benefit from donated MCAI publications
"We cannot thank MCAI enough for these life-saving resources, donated completely free of charge to our project."
November 2015

500 Free MCAI textbooks reach Afghanistan
Thanks to our UK MCAI staff and MCAI representative in Afghanistan, 500 Free textbooks finally arrived in Kabul.
March 2015
MCAI responds to HIFA call for International Day to End Fistula
Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh of HIFA campaign (Health Information For All) and Global Healthcare Information Network, produced a statement call about vesicovaginal fistula for International Day to End Fistula, May 23rd 2015.
May 2015

MCAI Fellowship in Advanced Obsteric Training for The Gambia
May-July 2015

Incredible progress for our first 2 midwife trainee Obstetric Clinicians
We are 15 months into our Strengthening Emergency Care Programme in Liberia.
April 2015
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